19 MarAuthor admin Posted on March 19, 2024March 19, 2024Outdoor Activities for Groups in SloveniaA treasure trove for outdoorsmen is found right at the heart of Europe...
08 FebAuthor admin Posted on February 8, 2024February 8, 2024What is a “mystery trip,” and why is it so popular?As the boundaries between work and private life continue to blur, orga...
16 JanAuthor admin Posted on January 16, 2024January 19, 2024Do you need to know more about Slovenia?If you read this, than you have few question about Slovenia for us. Is...
28 DecAuthor admin Posted on December 28, 2023March 21, 2024Undiscovered destinations – Slovenian AlpsNew experience in Slovenian Alps This time we prepared some hidden lo...
09 FebAuthor admin Posted on February 9, 2021January 30, 2024Trends in event industryIn 2020 we have learned a lot of new things. New challenges that we fa...