Virtual team building
Less CO2 emissions, cleaner rivers, more time to spend with your family,… That is why we at ETC Adriatic put our heads together and prepared something new and fresh. We changed our programs, so you will be able to connect with your colleagues in different ways. We have prepared interesting virtual team building programs, with which you will enthuse your employees and make sure that they will feel relaxed and entertained. We have noticed that employees who work from home, miss the fun and socialization with co-workers.
First you must set your mind, that it can be done something about it. From here on, it is easy. You choose type of experience and date, and your employees will receive an invite with instructions how to prepare for the event. The event takes place online with the use of video conference & the best thing here is, that not only your employees can participate in the event, but their families can also be a part of this experience.
We offer everything from entertaining moderator, DJ – who will take care for the music and our animation team which will spice up the event and make sure no one will be bored.
With all the changes that are happening in this world, we can also find some positive ones. Less CO2 emissions, cleaner rivers, more time to spend with your family, … That is why we at ETC Adriatic put our heads together and prepared something new and fresh. We changed our programs, so you will be able to connect with your colleagues in different ways.
We have prepared interesting packages, with which you will enthuse your employees and make sure that they will feel relaxed in this pre- new year’s period. We have noticed that employees who work from home miss fun and socialization with co-workers
From here on, it is easy. You choose type of workshop and date, and your employees will receive a package in front of their door. This package will have all the accessories and stuff that they will need for this virtual experience. The best thing here is, that not only your employees can participate in the event, but their families can also be a part of this experience. The event takes place online with the use of video conference. Entertaining moderator, DJ and our professional staff will spice up the event and make sure no one will be bored.
»The Package« is a program which is the best substitute for your December business party