Location: Slovenia, Italy, Croatia

Shoot your way to the top

We are one of the first companies that offer Splatmaster paintball in Slovenia. The goal of the game is to hit yout opponent with a colour pellet which you shoot from a spring gun. Don’t worry, the hits aren’t dangerous and don’t hurt too much. What counts in this fun game is your accuracy, agility and speed.

Splatmaster paintball can be organised almost anywhere – besides a hotel, on a picnic venue, in a congress hall or in the streets.

We offer many different kinds of Splatmaster paintball:

  • Range – shooting targets on a secured range;
  • Cowboy showdown – duels;
  • Hunger games – free for all in the fight for goods and weapons;
  • Catch the rabbit – one person is the rabbit and the others are hunters trying to catch him;
  • And many more, …